Skill, Experience, and Passion - CGAVERY

We hear so much today about “The Great Resignation” that the phrase itself is generating its own momentum.  The US Bureau of Labor and Statistics recently reported that there were 4 million resignations in July and job openings increased to a high of 10.9 million.  The volume of real opportunities in the marketplace provides a challenge to each employee to search their heart, assess their situation, and decide if there may be another opportunity that would be a better fit with a higher upside for them. 

This opportunity came to me earlier this month.  I loved being part of my last company and representing the services they provide.  They have a great team of professionals, and I was honored work alongside them.  I worked hard to bring them into a new market and formed many new relationships with current and future customers, most I will now call friends.  After 18 months in what I refer to as the “hand-to-hand combat” of new market business development, my company encouraged me to search my heart and assess my own situation.  What it came down to for me was Skill, Experience, and Passion. 

Let me introduce CGAVERY.  While I claimed the brand and website several years ago, I never acted.  When I found myself considering my options earlier this month, the thought of once again leading an organization that will make a real and positive impact to both individuals and organizations grew compelling.  As a coach, one career tip I often suggest to candidates is to make three lists and then find the areas of overlap. This overlap area is the sweet spot where people are most likely to succeed and enjoy.  The three lists are 1) what I do well, 2) where I have a successful track record, and 3) what I really enjoy doing. In short, they are Skill, Experience, and Passion.

CGAVERY’s current tagline is “Guiding Organizations to Accelerate Even Better Results by finding High-Impact Talent and Improving Sales” which highlights two primary focus areas - Sales Leadership and Recruiting.  On first pass it may seem these two areas are not aligned but upon deeper consideration, you’ll find that the underlying characteristics with each role are the same. Both are professional sales roles.  A professional salesperson is a businessperson who is trusted, competent, and who can uncover a client’s need and deliver the right solution for them.  When they can’t provide the solution, they will recommend someone who can.  I’ll save the analysis of a true professional for another day, but these two roles are similar. Through my assessment of my situation, my experience, and my passion, I realized that the overlap area for me was   improving sales and finding high-impact talent.

I’ve had the privilege of serving in a various roles, industries, and organizations.  I’ve learned a lot from the people with whom I’ve served and from the situations in which I’ve worked.  I’ve had success and I have experienced failure, learning from both.  I’m thankful for the people that God has put in my life and for skills I’ve grown through interesting experiences.  I’m excited now to step forward using my skills and experience to lead CGAVERY to help companies accelerate better results through what I do best, and with the passion I have for seeing growth in people, teams, and companies – Finding High-Impact Talent and Improving Sales