Skill, Experience, and Passion - CGAVERY

Skill, Experience, and Passion - CGAVERY

We hear so much today about “The Great Resignation” that the phrase itself is generating its own momentum.  The US Bureau of Labor and Statistics recently reported that there were 4 million resignations in July and job openings increased to a high of 10.9 million.  The volume of real opportunities in the marketplace provides a challenge to each employee to search their heart, assess their situation, and decide if there may be another opportunity that would be a better fit with a higher upside for them. 

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Goal Setting

Goal Setting

It’s “that” time again.  We’re all winding down this year and at the same time trying to finalize our goals, plans, and metrics for the new year.  I actually enjoy this set of activities and find the process refreshing. I like to review and learn from the past year and really enjoy being able to shed the weight of all the things that tried to (or did) pull me down over the past 12 months.  Looking forward can be energizing.  Everything is new, clean, fresh.  There’s hope.  If I can work through the process and get to a clear, objective, and impactful set of goals to aim at this next year, I know I’m already off to good start to the new year.

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